Blog | Brickmont Assisted Living

Transitioning your Loved One to Nursing Care in Milton, Georgia

Written by The Brickmont Assisted Living Team | May 1, 2018 12:00:00 PM

Moving can be intimidating for anyone in any stage of your life, but you can ease your loved one’s transition to nursing care in Milton, Georgia. The first thing to remember, is that you are not alone, our staff here at Brickmont is dedicated to making this transition for your parent or loved one as smooth as possible. There are also certain things to keep in mind before, during and after the moving process. 


Prior to packing up your parent’s belongings you need to do the research on all their options. If your loved one lives in Milton, Georgia there are nursing care, assisted living, or even independent senior communities, and the one that is right for them, depends entirely on their needs. Encourage your loved one to do their own research and read any literature that the community offers, so they feel prepared as well. Once you have researched the various types of living options and choose the best one for your loved one, you can start the preparation for your loved one’s move. Once you have chosen community a good step is to measure their new living space to help draft a floor plan of what furniture, if any they can bring to their new home. It I also a good practice to take pictures of your parent’s belongings to see how they would work in their new place. It may be a good idea to label furniture, linens, and clothing, as to avoid any confusion at the nursing care community.


To help in minimizing in the stress of moving day try and remain optimistic and smiling to comfort your parent. Have open conversations and really listen to their fears, needs, and concerns. If you are unsure how to address any questions, just ask a member of the staff, they should be more than happy to help! Try not to rush the whole process, we know you want to get the physical move over with quickly, but this can make your loved one feel anxious and abandoned. Once the move is actually finished, take your loved one out for a well-deserved meal or just hang out with them around the community so they feel more comfortable with their surroundings.


It is important that your parent feels comfortable in their new home and that they adapt to a new community. A great way to help them feel comfortable is to encourage them to befriend other residents, help them sign up for a cooking class or bridge club. Ask the Activity Director to speak with your parent and find what program they would enjoy the most and fit in with. There may be other options for seniors outside of the community that your parent may be interested in as well. It is important for your loved one to also feel cared for. Show them you are thinking of them by sending flowers, a are package or even a card. If it is possible try to swing by one to three times a week, even if it is only for a quick lunch. Try and communicate with your parent daily, either by call, text, or email to check up on them and put them at ease.

 Making the transition to nursing care in Milton, Georgia can be an intimidating event for seniors. Help the senior in your life have as smooth a transition as possible by following these steps for before, during, and after the move. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us