At Brickmont Assisted Living, we believe that everyone deserves to be happy and to truly achieve happiness, one must practice self-love. Have you ever heard the phrase, “You have to love yourself before you love somebody else?” Whether or not you believe this statement to be true, it is essential always to remember to remain positive to feel good about yourself.
Having an older loved one in senior living may open your eyes to how aging affects everyone differently. For some seniors, as they get older, they lose their self-esteem. This is an intricate and critical part of appreciating yourself. If you have an older loved that needs to be introduced to self-love, try these ways to boost their self-esteem!
When your older loved one is steady on their feet and less prone to injury, they will feel more confident. A decline in physical fitness can lead to a decrease in self-esteem.
Participating in social activities and engaging with friends is an instinctual way of boosting self-esteem. No
matter your age, friends can always encourage self-love. Social connections are also directly linked to emotional health.
A major factor that leads to low self-esteem in seniors is negative stereotypes. Widely-accepted connotations that aging adults are weak or ailing can be extremely hurtful.
It is important to make your loved one feel valuable, but as we get older, we can start to feel less useful. Another factor that can contribute to feeling useless is not being able to get around as easily as others.
At the end of the day, the best way to help your older loved one build self-esteem is by being compassionate and reassuring. Once they learn to practice self-love, they will demonstrate more love and confidence. All of these things will help benefit their lives in a multitude of ways. Self-esteem brings positivity into one’s life, making others want to spend time with you – in turn, causing more confidence.
Brickmont Assisted Living provides senior living with value. If you have a loved one that would benefit from this, schedule a visit today!